Models RV/RVE Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems – DOAS
Packaged DOAS Features:
- 100% Outside Air Units (or high % OA with Return Air Damper)
- Direct Drive Plenum Fans w/ VFDs
- Inverter or Digital Scroll Compressors
- Packaged or Remote Condensers
- Modulating Hot Gas Reheat
- Up to 16:1 High Turndown Furnace
- Low Sound Condenser Fans
- EC Motor on Lead Condenser Fan for Head Pressure Control
- Up to 13,500 cfm and 45 tons capacity
Rooftop Ventilators with Energy Recovery, Heating and Cooling
Greenheck’s Rooftop Ventilator units with energy recovery, heating and cooling are designed to handle up to 100% outside air and can be applied to dedicated outdoor air systems, variable air volume systems, and constant air volume systems. The model RV / RVE includes many value-added features such as 2″ double wall construction with R-13 injected foam insulation, optional side return intake and side supply discharge for horizontal duct connections, direct drive plenum fans, and integral VFDs. Controls can be stand-alone or integrated through BACnet®, Modbus®, or LonWorks®. The total enthalpy energy recovery wheel allows consulting engineers to incorporate energy efficient designs in a pre-engineered package. All housings, fans, coils, gas furnaces, and dampers are manufactured by Greenheck. Pre-engineered features of the model RV / RVE provide semi-custom flexibility while maintaining the quality, consistency and value of a standardized product.
For more information, please Contact Us or visit the Greenheck website.